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Referenzen zum Thema Seiteneffekte in der Programmierung.


  1. “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” by Robert C. Martin

    • This book emphasizes writing clean, readable, and maintainable code. It discusses the importance of avoiding side effects and managing state effectively.
    • Clean Code on Amazon
  2. “Effective Java” by Joshua Bloch

    • This book includes numerous best practices for Java programming. It highlights the importance of immutability and the benefits of returning new objects rather than modifying existing ones.
    • Effective Java on Amazon
  3. “Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code” by Martin Fowler

    • This classic text provides strategies for refactoring code to improve its structure and readability, including techniques for reducing side effects and improving immutability.
    • Refactoring on Amazon
  4. “Functional Programming in Java: How functional techniques improve your Java programs” by Venkat Subramaniam

Blog Articles and Online Resources

  1. “The Value of Immutability” by Eric Elliott

    • Medium Article
    • This article explains the importance of immutability in software development, particularly in the context of JavaScript, but the principles apply broadly.
  2. “Why Immutability Matters” by John Sonmez

    • Simple Programmer Blog
    • This blog post discusses the benefits of immutability and how it can lead to more predictable and maintainable code.
  3. “Avoiding Null and Immutability in Java” by Martin Odersky

    • Scala Blog
    • Although focused on Scala, this blog post by the creator of Scala discusses general principles of immutability that are relevant to Java developers.
  4. “Java: The Benefits of Immutability” by Richard Warburton

    • Java Magazine
    • This article from Java Magazine highlights the advantages of immutability in Java programming, including simpler code and fewer bugs.
  5. “Why Functional Programming Matters” by John Hughes

    • Research Paper
    • This seminal paper explores the benefits of functional programming, including the use of immutable data structures and avoiding side effects.

These resources provide a comprehensive overview of why avoiding side effects and embracing immutability are critical practices in software development. They offer both theoretical foundations and practical advice for improving code quality.